Tuesday, April 14, 2009

WH4.2.4 Origins of the Cold War

Topic: Cold War
How stable was the post-WWII world?

Understanding goals:
1. How did the Cold War start?
  • Division of Berlin: Reparation vs. Recovery
  • Dispute over Eastern Europe: Democracy vs. Security
  • Displeasure over the Pacific War: Land invasion vs. atomic bomb
2. How did the Cold War escalate?
  • Political Dimension: Truman's Doctrine vs. Cominform
  • Economic Dimension: Marshall Plan vs. Comecon
  • Military Dimension: NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
3. How was the Cold War "fought"?
  • Korean War
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Vietnam
  • Afghanistan
Performances: Watch Escape from Berlin & Defcon2. Identify the turning points in the origin and escalation of the Cold War. Complete Worksheet on the Cold War.