Essential Question: What can Singapore learn from the First Gulf War?
Review: Diplomacy and Deterrence
- Diplomacy: fostering understanding & cooperation
- Deterrence: preventing armed conflicts
1. Causes of the Iraq-Kuwait Conflict:
- Cumulative: Iran-Iraq War, economic problems
- Contributory 1: Kuwait - fall in oil prices, theft of Rumaila oilfields
- Contributory 2: Iraq - aggressive Saddam, longstanding territorial disputes
- Critical: failure of Arab League, role of the US
- Political instability, social chaos & displacement
- Economic fall-out
- Environment catastrophe
- Rise of transnational terrorism
1. What lessons can we draw from the First Gulf War?
2. Are causes of conflicts always so easily identifiable?
3. Does diplomacy always work?
4. Does deterrence always prevent conflicts?