Saturday, August 25, 2007

MWH3.3.10. War in the Pacific

Topic: War in the Pacific
Essential Question: Why did Japan start a war in the Pacific?
  • Preview:
    • Why did Japan become an imperial power?
      • Age of Imperialism
      • Political Modernisation
      • Industrialisation
  • Understanding Goals:
    • Why was Japan aggressive in the 1920s and 1930s?
    • Why did Japan start a Pacific War?
      • What are the assumptions in these questions?
      • What are some evidence to support the assumptions?
      • What are the points of views to this question?
  • Performances:
    • Work in groups of 3s to generate your responses to these questions
    • Watch "Horrors in the East" to supplement your knowledge of Japan in the inter-war years.