Throughlines: Appreciating Singapore
Enquiry Question: How can Singapore sustain our economic development?
- Reminders
- Website reviews (from previous lesson) to be completed on History Society by 20 Feb 08
- Review
- Iraq-Kuwait SEQ & Transnational Terrorism SEQ
- Is globalisation inevitable?
- Development in transport
- Development in communication
- Transnational corporations
- Is globalisation desirable?
- Economic impact
- Standard of living
- Competition for investment
- Competition for talent
- Income gap
- Rural-urban migration
- Social impact
- Awareness of foreign cultures
- Loss of local culture
- Environmental impact
- Environmental degradation
- Global warming
- Environmental management
- Alternative energies
- Understanding Goals
- How can Singapore continue to sustain our economic development
- Diversify the Economy
- Invest in People
- Build the Infrastructure
- Performances
- Study the impact of globalisation. For each aspect, present the positive and negative consequences of the impact (economic, social & environmental) of globalisation.
- Find ONE article in the newspaper that illustrates ONE of these impact in ONE of these areas. Explain whether it has positive or negative connotations.
- Find ONE article in the newspaper that illustrates one of these strategies to sustain Singapore's economic development
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