Saturday, October 04, 2008

Answer Review & Feedback

Some pointers from sample marking:
  • SBQ (reliability) - Answer the question. A few are getting ZERO because of this careless oversight!
eg. Why say "prove" when question asks "is it useful"? Why answer "it proves" when the question asks "does it mean"?
  • SBQ (reliability) - XR to evidence not to issue! This is Source-based question; means you evaluate the source for its evidence, not evaluate an issue.
eg. Quote target Source A evidence. XR to support Source A = quote evidence from Source X that matches Source A evidence; not explain how Source X supports question issue.
  • SBQ (reliability) - Who says that journalists don't lie; or that American journalists are neutral; or that journalist are not biased! Wake up kid! There is no one who is not biased. And there is no one who does not lie. Don't believe? Check out politicians, lawyers and journalists!
  • SBQ (comparison) - B would agree with C (content) + B would not agree with C (content) + B would (dis)agree with C (tone/attitude)!
Why take the risk of doing Agree (content) + Disagree (tone?! or purpose?!). When your reading of the tone of C is wrong, L3/3 is all you've got!
  • SEQ(b) - Define is to address issue in question; not a dictionary definition!
eg. which is better way to improve health service? manage ethnic diversity? The key is to define what are the problems facing UK healths service such that either way was BETTER in improving it. Or what were the complexities of ethnic diversity in Singapore such that either way was BETTER in managing it. It is to define the context such that it is meaningful to decide which is better and not a definition of the meaning of "better".