Saturday, January 31, 2009

WH3.1.5 Stalin's USSR

Topic: Rise of Authoritarian Regimes - Stalin's USSR
Enquiry-question: Was the rise of Stalin inevitable?

Review: Were attempts to establish peace after WWI succeed?
1. the League of Nations:
  • successes: conflict resolution, Locarno Pact, socio-economic improvements
  • failures: invasion of the Ruhr, Italy in Abyssinia, Japan in Manchuria, Germany in the Rhineland
2. the role of the US:
  • disarmament initiatives: Washington, Kellogg-Briand Pact
  • economic loans: Dawes and Young Plans
Understanding Goals: When did authoritarianism emerge in Russia?
1. Russia before WWI:
  • socio-economic conditions: poverty and revolt - is there a link?
  • the rule of the Tsar: monarchy and misrule - who is to blame?
  • Russo-Japanese War (1905) & Bloody Sunday (1910) - why no revolution?
2. Russia during WWI:
  • Feb Revolution: Liberals under the Provisional Government - what went wrong?
  • October Revolution: Lenin and the Bolsheviks - why did they succeed?
  • Treaty of Brest-Litvosk: what were the gains and losses?
3. Russia after WWI:
  • Russian Civil War: Red vs. Whites - who were involved and what was the significance?
  • War Communism: the beginning of authoritarianism?
  • New Economic Policy: reversal of communism?
Performances: Is it easy to start a revolution? Draw a mindmap to show the relationship between chapters 2 and 3.