08:00-10:00 AM Monday
All Levels • 65 % Interactive
Title: 3134 The New Teaching with the Brain in Mind
Description: This powerful presentation will showcase astonishing and recent discoveries in neuroscience that may turn educational practices upside down. Come and learn about attention, physical activity, learning, emotions, behavior, socialization, and memory. Discover the major causes of student underperformance and learn classroom-ready success strategies to reach underperforming students. In easy-to-understand, nontechnical terms, learn new evidence that shows why policymakers' fixation with standardized testing may undercut optimal learning. Handouts will include specific practical suggestions.
Presenter(s): Eric Jensen, Jensen Learning,
10:30-12:30 PM Monday
All Levels • 40 % Interactive
Title: 3254 So Each May Learn: Motivation, Diversity, and Student Achievement
Description: Paying attention to what motivates different students is no longer an option. NCLB and new research pinpointing boredom as the leading cause behind increased dropout rates make motivating every student a responsibility. In this session, participants will learn the four motivational styles, how to diversify instruction by rotating strategies according to the motivational styles they engage, and how to design curriculum and assessment that balance the rigor of standards with the need to engage all learners.
Presenter(s): Harvey Silver and Susan Morris, Silver Strong & Associates,
01:00-02:30 PM Monday
PreK-12 • 50 % Interactive
Title: 3331T Becoming a Connoisseur of Technology Integration
Description: Become an educator who observes technology-supported lessons with a connoisseur's discrimination and appreciation of subtleties. There's a lot more to integrating technology than adding PowerPoint slides to your lectures and posting homework on the web. In this session, you'll learn the hallmarks of transformational uses of technology in the classroom; see good, bad, and mediocre examples of technology integration; and leave prepared to help your staff realize the full benefits of technology for your students.
Presenter(s): Michael Simkins,