Topic: Impact of Colonial Rule
Essential Question: How similar was the impact of colonial rule?
- Submission of Assessment: SEQ CA1.3 (to be submitted on Mon 2 April 07)
- Why did the colonial powers come to Southeast Asia? (12)
- Understanding goals: What were the impact of colonial rule
- Political stability?
- Finance & administration
- Figureheads & disempowerment
- Economic growth?
- Industry, trade and the cash economy
- Income inequality & labour exploitation
- Social development?
- Urbanisation & social amenities
- Education & the rise of nationalism
- Performances:
- Give examples from British Malaya & French Indochina to support each of the impact of colonial rule listed above.
- Present your answers in the form of a Target Diagram
- DO NOT Send your Target Diagrams to
- save your work as .txt file then paste the html code in comments. I will retrieve your diagrams from the codes.
- Assessment: Was the impact of colonial rule beneficial?
- Based on the information in your Target Diagram, make a judgment using the format: Point-Elaboration-Evidence/Example-Link